BLOG 1: Introduction & Why We Blog

Author’s Introduction

My name is John Ace Ramos. I am the founder & owner of AstigIndustries. I’m 24 years of age, and I work as a Correctional Officer. I founded AstigIndustries simply because I couldn’t find the exact pair of pants that I wanted. You may be thinking “wouldn’t it be much easier if you just kept looking?” Well… The answer is probably yes. But life wouldn’t be any fun if you always took the easy route. Sure, there is the odd chance that this might fail, but at least I can say I tried. Plus, you only truly fail if you give up right?

So, you may be asking “What could this 24 year old jail guard could possibly teach me?” Well, truth be told I’m not an academic of any kind. I was in honourals once in Grade 9 but that was because of the auto mechanics class I was taking. I never found interest in math, or science, or history, etc… Though the things that I was interested in I was good at. Auto mechanics, welding, graphics, electronics class, and hell I could even sew pretty decent. I found that a lot of things that they taught in school were so bleak. So boring. So lifeless. Not to mention that the teachers didn’t even seem interested. A few were, but not many. I remember showing up to classes, not learning a single thing, bored out of my mind, day dreaming like there’s no tomorrow, and going home to teach myself the lesson through YouTube just so I can do the assignment, and I learned better that way. Though I was never an academic of any kind, nor never went to Uni, what I am though is driven. What I am is interested in information, & new experiences. My interests range from firearms, meditation, powerlifting, health & fitness,etc… Truth be told, if I listed all my interests here, it would be quite long. It’s these interests though that have made me who I am today, and it’s these interests that have given me the drive to get up every morning with a smile on my face, and the inkling to learn & improve. That is what I have to share with you. My personal experiences and knowledge that I have acquired over my lifetime, things that have worked and things that have NOT worked for me. Diet, lifestyle, exercise, mental health, etc…

It is my intention to share all of this with the hope that it reaches and helps whom ever needs it. It is my hope that no matter what I write from this moment on provides you an experience that you can learn from and that it improves your life in some way shape or form. I truly believe that even the smallest of experiences in life has a purpose in your growth as a human being. A soul floating around endlessly in the vastness of the cosmos.Even the smallest amount of knowledge that you pick up from me [if you choose read my writings] has, or will have an effect in your life.

I am VERY VERY excited to begin this new chapter of my life. I feel that in the past year, I have been on a never ending path of self improvement, and I feel that this part of it [the blogs] will only allow me to improve upon the knowledge that I already hold because it will allow me to dig deeper than I have gone before on the topics that I would like to discuss in the future. I’m probably going to make some mistakes. I may even make people angry from my writings, but that’s alright. These things happen and it is what it is.

So, for now sit tight, and hold on.


Why we blog

If you’ve wondered over to our “OUR STORY” page and have read our mission statement,then you know that we aim to not only sell, but also to share knowledge and empower people to become their better selves. Initially, we didn’t know how we would achieve this. Selling courses, speaking at seminars, creating videos, etc… Then we came across blogging. At first, we wanted to begin writing blogs for the purpose of content marketing. This is a common ways for newer brands [such as ourselves] to direct foot traffic to their online stores. Eventually we realized that we could utilize this medium to fulfil our mission. Not only is it cheap for us to do, but also comes at no cost to the reader.


ASTIGINDUSTRIES: Evolution through time.



John Ace Ramos

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